

Warcraft 3 Windows 8 Patch

Warcraft 3 Windows 8 Patch Rating: 8,5/10 7931votes
Warcraft 3 Latest Patch

The last time Warcraft 3 received a patch was in 2011, but there has been a sudden a flurry of activity in Blizzard’s archives: a few days ago, to make it play nice with modern systems, and now Warcraft has received the same treatment. Patch 1.27a is live now.

Hello, Classic Games has been working hard on Warcraft III. The 1.28 patch didn’t hit all the marks we hold ourselves to. We’ve been making a lot of changes behind the scenes to make future work faster and more reliable. Patching and installation, CD keys, data migration, missing files from MPQs, usernames and file paths with UTF-8 characters, screen modes, order ID’s broke popular non-blizzard maps, and Mac specific issues were fallout from those improvements. We are working hard to address all the issues that you’ve brought to our attention. We appreciate your patience and involvement. Improving these classic codebases comes with its share of hazards, and we’re glad to partner with you on the endeavor.

The better you communicate needs, wants, or bugs for the game, the more effective we will be at building a better Warcraft III. As we move forward, there will be quality of life game improvements, editor updates, new map pools, balance tweaks, and more. The recent patch was an important step in paving the way for the bigger ticket items that you all want. Please continue to give us constructive feedback, let us know where we missed, and what you want us to do! Surveying Programs For Casio Fx 9860g. Thank you, Matt Morris Lead Designer, Classic Games.

Worth noting that this patch is another 1GB odd download. Test map does mostly work. Testing user made maps with saved or unsaved changes works perfectly, which is what 99.9.% of people do.

Testing a newly made blank map does not. Newly made blank maps do not count as having unsaved changes but are themselves unsaved so trying to test them does not cause WorldEdit to temporarily save the map or even start Warcraft III. In such a situation the button literally does nothing. I mention this because MindWorX apparently uses blank map testing to test his third party editor plugins and such. Hello, I am the headadmin of the Reign of Chaos website I'd like to thank Brad, Kam and others for all the work you do to improve the Warcraft experience and the valuable insight you share here. I've been following hiveworkshop for a few months now.