Pervasive V8

Real Time Labor Guide 6.75 Crack. I need to create and ODBC connection in an x64-bit W2003 machine to connect to a Pervasive.PSQL v8.10 engine; but I have not been able to find the proper driver. I did try installing the Client tools (the one that installs Pervasive.SQL Data Manager v; but that did not work; I received an error during installation: 'The program or feature '?? C: PVSW BIN oledbbu16.exe' cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit version of windows. Please contact.' And at the end the ODBC driver did not get registered. Is there any driver or special installation procedure that I can use for getting ODBC Properly configured? BTW, I need this for extracting data from a Pervasive.PSQL V8.1 database using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services, So, any help on how to set up an OLE DB connection would be also helpful RE: Pervasive.PSQL v8.1 ODBC driver for x64-bit W2003 server (Programmer) 26 Jul 06 08:47.
How To Place A Flash File In Powerpoint. You should keep Pervasive.SQL V8 Workgroup (v8.6) installed because Pastel Accounting and other programs that use SQL databases may depend on it. Aug 30, 2017 Please visit the main page of Pervasive.SQL V8 Client on Software Informer. Share your experience: Write a review about this program Read more.
OLEDBU16.EXE is not needed by ODBC so it shouldn't afect whether they are installed. Are you sure the drivers aren't installed? I've heard (haven't tried it yet) that there are two ODBC Administrators. One is 64 bit and the other is 32 bit. Check for W3ODBCEI.DLL/W3ODBCCI.DLL.
Are they on the system? Also search the registry for entries with those filenames. Mirtheil Certified Pervasive Developer Certified Pervasive Technician RE: Pervasive.PSQL v8.1 ODBC driver for x64-bit W2003 server (Programmer). Thanks for your reply Mirtheil. The files are in the server (C: PVSW Bin) but I only have W3ODBCCI.DDL and w3odbccs.dll (I do not have the W3ODBCEI.DLL you said in your post).
When checkig the ODBC in the regestry; I do not see any entry for Pervasive; So I try to register using RegSvr32: RegSvr32 W3ODBCCI.DDL or RegSvr32 w3odbccs.dll and I received the message: 'Dllname is not an executable file and no registration helper is registered for this file type.' I am not sure if I am missing something.