Installer Removepreviousversions Doesn T Work
MSI does not install all files when RemovePreviousVersion is run. Windows installer installs files for the new. RemovePreviousVersions does not seem to work. Jan 15, 2011 the windows installer doesn't work in my computer and I can find anything to fix it. Aug 27, 2017 RemovePreviousVersions=True but previous version is not removed from the. Windows Installer doesn't allow cross. The same 'upgrades don't work. RemovePreviousVersions=True but previous version is not removed from the. Windows Installer doesn't allow cross. The same 'upgrades don't work.
I have a MSI build using WiX version 3. All previous installers for the product we are deploying worked fine with the configuration specified (that is: if previous version exists, remove, then install the new version) - however, the new MSIs we build don't install all files when it runs through the 'remove first' path. If we manually remove the existing installation and then run the new version all the files are installed - and when I examine the MSI file in Orca the files and features are shown and seem to be fine. We have tried running with verbose and extra logging turned on ( /l*vx) however all we can see if that the files are not being registered & then installed.
Any thoughts or suggestions? This is driving us up the wall. Based on the default custom action sequence, Windows Installer determines which files need to be installed/overwritten before removing any existing versions of software. Windows Installer uses the value of the REINSTALLMODE property to tell it how to make decisions about when to overwrite files.
If REINSTALLMODE contains an 'o', then it will only install files where the version is different or the file doesn't already exist; non-versioned files will only be installed if the Modified Date of the file is. OK, well talking to someone else where I am helped me find a solution to the problem. We added the property REINSTALLMODE and set it to amus.
What does this mean? By default the property is set to omus which means: Reinstall if the file is missing or older, rewrite registry for machine and user hives, reinstall shortcuts.
Changing this to amus basically says: Reinstall all files. So, not 100% sure what the cause was - I suspect there may have been strange locks or something, but setting to amus doesn't being on any adverse effects, so we'll stick with that. Thanks for the suggestions. (Also, more details on this property can be found here.
Vocal Technique Books Pdf on this page. What does your step look like? It could be that the removeexisting is running after the install -- and removing all files that were the same in the previous and current versions.
I have my installer set to to make sure it's done before anything else. I don't know if it's right or not, but it seems to work. NEWPRODUCTFOUND NEWPRODUCTFOUND.
My machine originally had Visual Studio 2005 installed. At that time I created a setup and deployment project. I made two builds of the project. One was version 3.25.6 and the other was version 3.25.7. I installed version 3.25.6 on a clean XP Pro SP2 virtual machine.

Then I installed version 3.25.7. This resulted in one version of the program on the virtual machine and one entry in Add/Remove programs. This is what I would expect since RemovePreviousVersions was set to True. Now my machine has Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition (version 9.0.21022.8 RTM) installed. I took the setup and deployment project that was created in VS 2005 and made two builds. One was version 3.26.0 and the other was version 3.26.1.
I installed version 3.26.0 on a clean XP Pro SP2 virtual machine. Then I installed version 3.26.1. L. E. Reichl A Modern Course In Statistical Physics Pdf more. This resulted in two versions of the program on the virtual machine and two entries in Add/Remove programs. One for version 3.26.0 and one for version 3.26.1. The RemovePreviousVersions property is still set to True. I opened the two MSI files in Orca. System Programs In C.
The ProductCodes are different and the UpgradeCodes are the same. Why isn't the previous version removed? I would appreciate any help you can offer. If you need any additional information please let me know. Thank you - Karen Ahmad.