State Tax Handbook 2005 Software
Administrative A. Massachusetts Department of Revenue E-File for Corporations, Partnerships and Fiduciaries B. Corporations and Partnerships Required to E-File C. Communication and General E-File Instructions D. E-File for Corporations, Partnerships and Fiduciaries That Use a Tax Professional to Prepare Their Tax Return Technical Administrative A. Massachusetts Department of Revenue e-File for Corporations, Partnerships and Fiduciaries Q1.
What is Corporate, Partnership and Fiduciary e-file Program? This is the name for the electronic filing of Massachusetts corporate, partnership and fiduciary tax returns. When a corporation, partnership or fiduciary e-files they send their tax return data to Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) electronically instead of on paper forms. In 2005 (TY 2004) DOR created a new e-file system for corporations, partnerships and fiduciaries through the purchase of third party software, which uses the widely accepted XML format, a standardized way of identifying, storing and transmitting data. Certain corporations and partnerships are required to e-file and e-pay, and certain fiduciaries are required to e-pay as explained in these FAQs and.
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue manages state taxes and. Shearwater The Golden Archipelago. The Massachusetts Department of Revenue manages state. Tax Professionals; Tax Software.

What are the benefits of e-file? E-file results in benefits for both DOR, tax practitioners and taxpayers, including: • Explicit Business Rules: New business rule explanations pinpoint the location of the error in the return and provide complete information in the Acknowledgement File. • Fast acknowledgements: In most cases, transmissions are processed upon receipt and acknowledgments are created and ready to be retrieved by the transmitter. • Electronic payments. You can e-file a balance due return and, at the same time, authorize an electronic funds withdrawal from you bank account.
Are there corporations that cannot file their tax returns electronically? The DOR e-file program does not allow form 355-SBC to be filed electronically; it must be filed on paper. Can a corporation e-file a 52-53 week, short period or final return? DOR will electronically accept 52-53 week, short period and final returns. Can I electronically file my federal corporate, partnership or fiduciary income tax return? IRS does have an e-file program in place. Please visit the for more information.