Sap Migo Serial Number User Exit In Abap
Associated Function Group: XQSM Released Date: Not Released CALL FUNCTION 'EXIT_SAPLIE01_005' 'Serial Numbers, User Exit in the Update EXPORTING s5_iequi = ' riequi Serial Number Data IMPORTING s5_istru_eq = ' istru_eq Modifiable Data for Table EQUI s5_istru_eq_u = ' istru_eq_u Update Flags for Modifiable EQUI Data s5_istru_ez = ' istru_ez Modifiable Data for Table EQUZ/ILOA s5_istru_ez_u = ' istru_ez_u Update Flags for Modifiable EQUZ/ILOA Data. ' EXIT_SAPLIE01_005 ABAP code example for Function Module EXIT_SAPLIE01_005 The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module EXIT_SAPLIE01_005 including all data declarations. The code uses the latest in-line data DECLARATION SYNTAX BUT I HAVE INCLUDED AN ABAP CODE SNIPET AT THE END TO SHOW HOW declarations would look using the original method of declaring data variables up front. This will allow you to compare and fully understand the new inline method.
Please note some of the newer syntax such as the @DATA is not available until a later 4.70 service pack (SP8). DATA: ld_s5_istru_eq TYPE ISTRU_EQ, ld_s5_istru_eq_u TYPE ISTRU_EQ_U, ld_s5_istru_ez TYPE ISTRU_EZ, ld_s5_istru_ez_u TYPE ISTRU_EZ_U. DATA(ld_s5_iequi) = 'Check type of data required'. CALL FUNCTION 'EXIT_SAPLIE01_005' EXPORTING s5_iequi = ld_s5_iequi IMPORTING s5_istru_eq = ld_s5_istru_eq s5_istru_eq_u = ld_s5_istru_eq_u s5_istru_ez = ld_s5_istru_ez s5_istru_ez_u = ld_s5_istru_ez_u.
Implementing Screen-exit for transaction MIGO. X’ checking for material document number by which we can set the fields to be. ABAP, BAPI, xApps, SAP. Lagu Dionne Warwick That What Friends Are For here. Driver Lettore Smart Card Ez100pu???? more. And fairly new to SAP as well. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me the correct user exit to use in the MIGO. User Exit for Serial Number in t-code MIGO.
' EXIT_SAPLIE01_005 IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. 'All OK ENDIF. ABAP code to compare 7.40 inline data declaration with original syntax The below ABAP code uses the older none in-line data declarations. This allows you to see the coding differences/benefits of the later inline syntax. It may also be useful if you are using an older version of SAP as some of the newer syntax above, such as the @DATA is not available until 4.70 EHP 8.
User exits for MIGO: MBCF0002 Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. Item MBCF0005 Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip MBCF0006 Customer function for WBS element MBCF0007 Customer function exit: Updating a reservation MBCF0009 Filling the storage location field MBCF0010 Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1 MBCF0011 Read From RESB and RKPF For Print List in MB26 MBCFC003 Maintenance of batch master data for goods movements MBCFC004 Maintenance of batch specifications for goods movements MB_CF001 Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. User exit for CO01 ( Create PO): CCOWB001 Customer exit for modifying menu entries COIB0001 Customer Exit for As-Built Assignment Tool COZF0001 Change purchase req. Neuroshell 2 Crack.
For externally processed operation COZF0002 Change purchase req. For externally procured component PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders PPCO0002 Check exit for setting delete mark / deletion indicator PPCO0003 Check exit for order changes from sales order PPCO0004 Sort and processing exit: Mass processing orders PPCO0005 Storage location/backflushing when order is created PPCO0006 Enhancement to specify defaults for fields in order header PPCO0007 Exit when saving production order PPCO0008 Enhancement in the adding and changing of components PPCO0009 Enhancement in goods movements for prod. Process order PPCO0010 Enhancement in make-to-order production - Unit of measure PPCO0012 Production Order: Display/Change Order Header Data PPCO0013 Change priorities of selection crit. For batch determination PPCO0015 Additional check for document links from BOMs PPCO0016 Additional check for document links from master data PPCO0017 Additional check for online processing of document links PPCO0018 Check for changes to production order header PPCO0019 Checks for changes to order operations PPCO0021 Release Control for Automatic Batch Determination PPCO0022 Determination of Production Memo PPCO0023 Checks Changes to Order Components STATTEXT Modification exit for formatting. User exits available for ME21N: AMPL0001 User subscreen for additional data on AMPL LMEDR001 Enhancements to print program LMELA002 Adopt batch no. From shipping notification when posting a GR LMELA010 Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC LMEQR001 User exit for source determination LMEXF001 Conditions in Purchasing Documents Without Invoice Receipt LWSUS001 Customer-Specific Source Determination in Retail M06B0001 Role determination for purchase requisition release M06B0002 Changes to comm.