Patch 5 Asymmetry Notes

Dynamode Usb Camera Driver. Kenmore Gas Grill 16142 Manual. Readme Notes for Asymmetry Feature We've added the ability to make your creations asymmetric in the editors! Hold down the 'A' key while the mouse is over a limb or detail. The asymmetry icon appears on the cursor to indicate asymmetry is enabled.
Readme Notes for Asymmetry Feature We've added the ability to make your creations asymmetric in the editors! Hold down the 'A' key while the mouse is over a limb. How To Read Teamviewer Log File there.
Click and drag the part to a new location, it will separate from its normal symmetric partner and be free to move around the creation on its own. Supported editors • Creature Editor • All Creature Outfitters • All Vehicle Editors • UFO Editor Controls • A + Click: Make a part asymmetric • A + Drag: Move part asymmetrically • A + Mousewheel: Scale part asymmetrically • A + Drag from Palette: Create a new asymmetric part • Control-F: While an asymmetric part is selected, will 'flip' that part (for example will turn a left hand into a right hand, and vice versa) Notes: • Once a part is asymmetric, you don't need to hold down the 'A' key for manipulations. • Once a part is asymmetric, it cannot be converted back to a symmetric part. Budget Notes Note that when you drag a part from the palette the money taken from your budget actually buys you two parts instead of one.