

Njit Upward Bound Program

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Rutgers Upward Bound Program

Program Overview The Rutgers-Newark Upward Bound Program is an intensive yearlong college preparatory program that provides classroom instruction and academic support to participants from the East Orange, NJ School District. The program's mission is to assist students in their efforts to complete high school and enroll in and graduate from college. Upward Bound serves high school students that meet financial eligibility guidelines, demonstrate academic potential, and which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. Crack Gta 3 Disc 2 Torent.

Rutgers Newark Upward Bound Program

Target Schools The Rutgers-Newark Upward Bound Program serves students from the following schools in East Orange: • Cicely L. Tyson Community School of the Performing and Fine Arts High School • East Orange Campus High • East Orange STEM Academy High School All enrichment services and activities are provided at no cost to participants or their families. The program operates through a grant from the United States Department of Education and is sponsored by the Academic Foundations Center, Newark College of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-Newark.

Bulletin board NJIT's Center for Pre-College Programs Receives Upward Bound Federal Grants The USDOE has awarded the Center for Pre-College Programs (CPCP).

Applying for Admission Recruitment is conducted from September to December of each school year. Once the program openings have been filled, the remaining applicants are placed on a waiting list. If openings occur during the year, the positions are filled on a first-applied, first-selected basis. Once admitted into the program in the 9th grade, it is expected that they will remain active participants through high school graduation. As participants graduate, additional students are recruited to maintain the 60- student maximum.