National Guard Ged Plus Program Arkansas
Official Facebook Page of the National Guard GED PLus Program. Sections of this page. Little Rock, Arkansas. National Guard GED Plus Program. Youth Challenge Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Youth Challenge Program consists of Youth Challenge Academies (known as YCA's) run by the National.
Army National Guard (ARNG) General Educational Development (GED) Plus Program What is it? The ARNG GED Plus program was implemented in January 2006. The program has a resident school located at the National Guard Professional Education Center (PEC) at Camp Robinson, in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
Students experience both a military basic training and a structured academic environment. To attend, the student must have completed the ninth grade and be withdrawn from high school for at least six months. Applicants must be at least 18 years old or otherwise ineligible to return to their local high school. In addition, the student must be fully qualified for enlistment and achieve a minimum score of 31 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test portion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. What has the ARNG done? In FY07, the GED Plus program tested 1,942 students with 1,422 passing for a 73 percent success rate. An instructional lab was added beginning in FY08.
During FY08, the GED Plus program tested 2,572 students with 2,457 passing for a success rate of 96 percent. The increase in the success rate from 73 percent in FY07 to 96 percent in FY08 was due in part to implementing an instructional lab and modifying instructional techniques.
Current FY09 GED Plus program numbers as of December 1, 2008 are: 244 students tested with 239 passing for a success rate of 98 percent. What continued efforts does the ARNG have planned for the future? Software Gratis Foto Kolase. Construction began in October 2008 on an $18.4 Million GED Plus training complex at PEC.