Donor Sticker On Arizona Drivers License
Quickly access ADOT services. Vehicle title, registration and renewal, custom and specialty license plates, duplicate driver's license and ID, and more. Aug 26, 2017 There will be section on the webpage that will say 'update my donor profile,' or 'edit registration.' Click this link. After you follow the link, there will be a space for you to enter your name, date of birth, zip code, and driver's license number. Once you enter that information, it takes you to a page where you'll see all your donor information.
Many people will live as my nephew has died, the accident in Florida killed him, but not before doctors could harvest his organs. What he did was a selfless act, by being an organ donor. My license says to harvest anything/everything, but that's just how I feel. Does your license say the same, or are you of the belief that we need all our organs in death? I'm not trying to start an argument, that's the last thing I want! Just want everyone to think about organ donation, just think about doing this.
The police have arrested the guy that did this, he ploughed straight into them (nephew and his gf) with a big truck as they cycled. I can barely stand to look at this guys mug-shot. I realize he is a human being and I must forgive him, eventually, but not right at this second. I can't right now, but I will. I saw my brother on an interview via television, he is absolutely broken over this.

I'm praying that his depression, which he was still taking Paxil for, won't return with a vengeance. He needs all the help he can get, at this time. No one should have to bury their child, it's just not natural. Not the natural order of things. We are supposed to go before our children do and my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child. Love to all, Lara.
I am an organ donor. I'm even signed up on the donor network of AZ! If I'm dead, I certainly dont need my organs so if someone else has a chance at life using them then that is a wonderful thing!
Donated organs have saved so many. When I worked in the eye clinic, we used to do corneal transplants with donated corneas. You can donate most major organs, your heart, your kidneys, liver, corneas, etc. And it doesnt interfere with the funeral process. They work with you.
When people are embalmed they remove a lot of the soft organs anyway-might as well give them to somebody who can use them! They dont hasten your death either or let you die to harvest your organs-some people think if they are an organ donor that they will be left to die sooner than someone who isnt, and this is far from the truth! If my child died, I'd like to know that maybe their heart could beat in another persons chest and that maybe a part of my baby could live on in someone else.
To me, that would be a comfort. I know not everyone feels this way, and I respect that, but it is such a selfless, easy gift to give and it means life to someone else who has loved ones. There is no sense in two deaths if one can be saved. Lara, I so feel for your brother!
I know how my two aunts and uncles felt when my cousins died and they were never the same again. I mean, how could you be when part of your heart has been ripped away!! I cannot imagine how one goes on after a loss like that but we do! Broken hearts keep on beating, it seems. It is going to be a hard road for all of you. Holidays will feel funny for a while. I can remember getting together for holidays and thinking to myself 'who wont be here next year?'
It makes you cynical for a while but in time you begin to smile, then laugh again. I wont say it gets easy and you never stop missing them-that hole is always there, it just hurts less with passing time. Bruker Winepr more.
Just keep an eye on your brother. Be there for him and let him grieve in his own way but be alert to see if he gets 'stuck' in his grieving process.
If he has depression anyway, you have to watch carefully to be sure his grief is a 'healthy' grief. I'm so so very sorry girl! A death like this is a horrible thing. Death is bad enough when someone has been sick but at least death then is a release from suffering but when a young vital person dies, there is no sense in it!
It is much harder to come to grips with it. I'm glad they found who did it. He was drinking, I assume? Hopefully, he will be taken off the streets and away from society.
I would feel the same way you do. I would hate him for taking something precious to me. If you ever want to talk, let me know. My husband just got a private PC so I will try to email you privately soon. Our email addy is still the same as it was, if you still have it. I know you used to email me until our old computer fired. The one I am on now is the work one.