Commercial Series Cps R05.09
Can someone point me in the direction of the Commercial series CPS v5.05 or higher for the AA region. I lost the previous copy i had due to a computer malfunction.
Motorola® Commercial Series Customer Programming Software Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. What's new in this release 3. Afterglow Wireless Headset Manual Reset High Temperature on this page. Requirements 4.
Installation, upgrade, removal 5. Important notes 6. Legal notice 1.
Introduction Welcome to the Motorola Commercial Series Customer Programming Software (CPS) for the CP040, CP140, CP160, CP180, CM140, CM160, CM340 and CM360 radios. What's new in this release Version Notes R05.10 Correct CP200XSL to CP200XLS. R05.09 Support CP200XSL model.
R05.08 Support Self Test Report feature. R05.07 Support “Data Operation (Trident)”Feature, and “Selected Channel Lock”, “Priority Channel 1 Lock”Feature. R05.06 The same as R05.05. R05.05 Fixed Talk Around issue.
Support scroll bar feature. R05.04 Support Radio ID, Vote Scan, and MDC Call Alert features. R05.03 The same as R05.02. R05.02 Fixed several user interface bugs.
R05.01 Support character 'P' as Pause Character in phone number for radios with codeplug version 03.xx and above. Support 100 personalities on CM340. Fixed the 12.5 KHz channel frequency issue of CM340/CM360. CPS automatically modifies codeplug mismatched values when reading archive files of radios with firmware versions R02.00.xx and prior. R05.00 Phase 5 upgrade. R04.00 Support for CM340 and CM360 radios.
The channel position was under 'Conventional Personalities' in the old CPS and is now moved to the left window under a new item called 'Channel Position'. R02.05 Support for Designated Power Up Channel. Rock Band Iphone Ipa.
R02.04 Fixed cloning issues between different codeplug versions. Support for additional frequency bands for the CM140 and CM160 radios. R02.01 Modified the transmit power calculation for the CM140 and CM160 radios. R02.00 Support for the CP140, CP160, CP180, and CM160 radios.
Drag and drop support and cloning support between different codeplug versions. Support for copying the receive frequency, with an optional user defined offset, to the transmit frequency.
R01.02 Support for new serial number format from factory. Improved error handling during radio communication. R01.01 Now supports synthesizer step sizes of 2.5 kHz. This is necessary to support certain narrowband (12.5 kHz) frequencies. Now supports per user settings for the preference settings and the dealer information fields printed on the customer handout report. R01.00 Support for the CP040 and CM140 radios. Drag and drop support between models and products.